Introducing Full-Day Fours
Preschool Advantage has a simple mission, to open the doors of preschool and unlock the possibilities beyond. In September 2022, Preschool Advantage launched Full-Day Fours, an initiative to open these doors even wider by funding a longer school day (up to 7 hours) for four-year-olds. Full-Day Fours began with 12 participants and its success was apparent right from the start.
Why full-day, and why now?
Many children, particularly those from lower-income households, need more time for learning and play to be ready to thrive in kindergarten. But Full day preschool tuition can cost $8,000 – $10,000 or more. The families we serve simply cannot afford this option. As the cost of living in our region rises, most families need two incomes to get by. Working parents are unable to pick up their children from preschool at midday. As universal public pre-k expands, children who live in school districts that do not yet offer full day preschool (currently 70% of NJ districts) but cannot afford tuition for a private option will fall farther behind their peers before they even begin kindergarten.
Will Full-Day Fours expand?
In a word, yes! Participating parents reported seeing tremendous growth in their children’s learning and social development because of the additional school hours, and their teachers agreed. Parents also felt great relief from financial stress. Until universal pre-k comes to fruition in New Jersey, Preschool Advantage will increase Full-Day Fours until we can accommodate all families who want this option. Another 30 children will participate in the program in 2023.
How will Preschool Advantage afford Full-Day Fours?
Most of our partner preschools will charge Preschool Advantage $2,500 or less for the additional hours of school time. Funding partners like you recognize the need, and many have already increased their contributions. We will continue to seek individuals, foundations, and businesses who wish to invest in our community and understand that fully preparing our youngest learners for school is an expense whose rewards far outweigh the cost.
“M” is one of the students who received full-day four funding this past year. As his father so proudly told us, “He is like a different person now. He’s more confident, he expresses himself so beautifully – he even has a best friend.”